E. Mary Ramsay and her sister were introduced to Christian Science in 1898, and were pivotal to the establishment of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Edinburgh, Scotland. Both spent time with Mary Baker Eddy and corresponded with her. As a way to correct misunderstandings published in the press about Eddy and Christian Science, Ramsay, a Christian Science practitioner and teacher, wrote this brief and concise biography. It is a quick and easy read for those who want a basic overview of Eddy’s life.
Christian Science and its Discoverer
SKU: S0144
Language: English
Format: Hardcover
Length: 123 pages
Weight: 0.88 lbs (0.40 kg)
Dimensions: 6.25 x 9.25 inches (15.87 x 23.49 cm)
ISBN: 978-0-87510-346-4