In this comprehensive biography, scholar Gillian Gill portrays what she calls Mary Baker Eddy’s “astonishing life.” Having carefully examined both published and unpublished historical materials, Gill presents Eddy as a radical Christian thinker and a pioneer in recognizing the connection between spirituality and healing. Gill’s witty, easy-to-read book provides a well-rounded view of Eddy’s childhood, illustrates her remarkable leadership at a time when women faced countless challenges, and clearly distinguishes Eddy’s work from that of Phineas P. Quimby.
Mary Baker Eddy
Author: Gillian Gill
Language: English
Format: Paperback
Length: 713 pages
Weight: 2.44 lbs (1.11 kg)
Dimensions: 6.00 x 9.00 inches (15.00 x 23.00 cm)
ISBN: 978-0-73820-227-3
SKU: G750B82903EN